Mark Cuddy is the Artistic Director Emeritus of Geva Theatre, which he led for twenty-seven years before retiring in July of 2022. During his over forty-five years leading six theatres across the country, Mark has employed over 4,000 artists and produced over 360 productions that have entertained over 3.65 million audience members. His more than 100 directorial credits include two dozen world classics. The Classics Company was formed in January 2025 to re-introduce the Greater Rochester region to the world’s enduring stories and characters on stage.


Mark Cuddy sits on a bench in a museum with his hands clasped on his knee. He is smiling at the camera.

Mark enjoying the Memorial Art Gallery. Photo credit: Christina Selian

Board of Directors

Mark Cuddy | President
Hilary Short | Treasurer
Donald W. O'Brien | Jr., Secretary
Todd Green | Member


Mark Cuddy | Founding Artistic Director
Hilary Short | Brand Director
Claudia Nolan | Administration
Gus Cuddy | Web Developer
Abbey Noble | Publicist

"Roman Senate" of Advisors

Dennis Bassett
Jenn Lyons
Michael B. Millard
Martha O'Connor
Karl Wessendorf